NPGA Bobtail

On-line Bidding is Up and Running

Bottom Line: Bid Now.

The Silent Auction benefitting the National Propane Gas Foundation Scholarship Fund is now open for online bidding! We have more than 50 fabulous items available including vacation packages, major league sports tickets, jewelry, and so much more! Anyone can view the items, but you will need to create an account to bid.

Online bidding closes on September 24th at 10 pm (MST). Bidding resumes live on September 27th at 5:30 pm (MST) at the NPGA Fall Board of Directors Meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona.  Not attending the meeting? Not a problem! A Scholarship Committee volunteer can be your onsite proxy. Onsite proxies will monitor the items on your bid list and will update bid sheets based on your instructions. Questions?  Contact Maril Olson, NPGF Scholarship Manager.