NPGA Bobtail

Women in Propane Host Celebration Summit to Commemorate a Decade of Excellence

The Women in Propane’s Celebration Summit is a culmination of 10 years of excellence and takes place on Saturday, April 23 from 10:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the Music City Center in Nashville, Tennessee. This event includes a host of inspirational speakers, a networking lunch, and two educational training sessions.

Opening Session

The day will start by featuring four women who have broken through the glass ceiling and advanced not only their careers, but the industry as well. Join them to hear them talk about their experience in making change in the propane industry.

Paula Wilson – Former chair of PERC

Leslie Woodward – Former chair of the TS&S Committee

Michelle Bimson Maggi – Chair-elect of NPGA

Nancy Coop – Founding Chair of Women in Propane Council and first woman inductee into the LPGas Hall of Fame

Following this session, a celebration networking lunch with awards and prizes will be hosted in the banquet room.

The event will close with two educational training sessions:

Own Your Leadership Success: Create a Highly Engaged, Remote Team

Presented by Alyson Van Hooser, a leadership development training author and keynote speaker

Why Should Someone be Led by You: Five Hard-Hitting Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Ability to Lead People

Presented by Margaret Morford, the CEO of HR Edge. Margaret is an expert trainer who is returning to us for her fourth year of educating at Women in Propane events.

These impactful training sessions will provide valuable tools to succeed in this changing corporate climate and virtual world, while empowering people to take control of their career and determine ways to help propel their organization forward.

“We look forward to celebrating 10 years of excellence this year with the women who are true change makers for this industry,” said Women in Propane Chair, Jennifer Jackson.