NPGA Bobtail

USDA Crop Report

Bottom line: Crop is trending toward average moisture content. 

As of the July 25, 2022 the Crop Report published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports most states, except for South Dakota and North Dakota, have corn entered into the doughing stage.  Additionally, the corn crop condition ranging from good to excellent is at 61%.

 NPGA continues to track environmental factors impacting corn crop to navigate informed discussions pertaining to supply and harvest. NPGA and PERC encourage propane marketers to continue communicating with agricultural customers often for the upcoming crop drying season.

For the USDA’s entire crop progress report, click here. Please send any questions or comments to Twana Aiken, NPGA Manager of Industry Affairs.

The information and commentary are intended to provide general information and do not constitute advice, recommendations, or speculation on propane demand or supply by NPGA staff or PERC staff.