NPGA Bobtail

Meet NPGA’s New Manager, State Government Affairs

Austin Wicker joined NPGA as Manager, State Government Affairs on December 1, 2022. Austin comes to NPGA with experience in multiple levels of government, having worked as the Legislation Liaison for the Kentucky Energy & Environment Cabinet, and as a Regional Political Director for a congressional campaign. Most recently, he worked for Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP as a contract lobbyist, where he specialized in energy and environmental policy and lobbied for clients in the petroleum, chemical, waste & recycling and manufacturing industries.

Austin is based in Lexington, KY and reports to Jacob Peterson. He will be acting as a propane industry advocate on key state and municipal level legislative and regulatory issues, including local efforts to ban new gas infrastructure and encourage the electrification of buildings, and create a favorable business environment for all member companies.