
Commentary: The Truth About EV Emissions

A popular misconception sometimes heard throughout the fleet industry is that electric vehicles (EVs) are the only real way to substantially reduce fleet emissions. In fact, you might hear people say EVs don’t produce emissions at all. It’s actually not true.

While electric vehicles emit few, if any, tailpipe pollutants, it’s important for fleet managers calculating a fuel’s emission profile to account for a vehicle’s “well-to-wheel” emissions. This accounts for all emissions produced by a vehicle, including those produced during a fuel source’s production, processing, distribution and use.

For EVs, the well-to-wheel emissions include the carbon and smog released into the atmosphere when electricity is produced at fossil fuel-fired power plants, as well as the emissions created during the manufacturing of EV batteries. Both of these processes create negative environmental impacts, but often get overlooked by fleet managers looking for a vehicle fuel to reduce an operation’s carbon footprint.

Once the focus of fleet emissions shifts from the tailpipe to encompass all of the emissions, the story tilts strongly in favor of propane autogas. Cost and performance benefits including range, payload, purchase price and vehicle model availability are all significantly better with propane autogas. With propane autogas, a fleet can have a fuel that is clean and better for business.

See several examples of those who have already made the switch to propane autogas vehicles by clicking this link: https://propane.com/for-my-business/fleet-vehicles/