Industry News

Apprenticeship and Local Workforce Development Boards

The challenges of dealing with fewer workers in the workforce make NPGA’s Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) that much more valuable to the industry as a tool to recruit and train new employees. The Apprenticeship Program includes four paths to certification. One pathway is for propane service technicians, and the other three pathways pertain to driving commercial motor vehicles. All training is through PERC’s learning management system and a qualified mentor. Marketers interested in using the Apprenticeship Program must first enroll as an Employer Sponsor using the forms available on NPGA’s apprenticeship website.

The Apprenticeship Program provides Employer Sponsors with opportunities to effectively recruit workers and utilize local resources. Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDB) are one of the local resources that marketers can use to promote available apprenticeship opportunities. There are approximately 560 LWDBs around the country and they partner with the American Job Center Network with 2,300 locations nationwide. Once your company enrolls as an Employer Sponsor, develop a relationship with these local resources to increase your pool of applicants.

Choosing the apprenticeship route often results in greater employee retention. In fact, 94 percent of apprentices retain employment after completing their programs, according to the Department of Labor.

Visit NPGA’s Registered Apprenticeship Program to learn more and to sign up as an Employer Sponsor.  Questions? Contact Eric Sears for more information.