NPGA Bobtail

Water Heating Accounts Grow

Bottom Line: An estimated 4.28 million households use propane for water heating.  After space heating, water heating is the second most energy intensive application in a typical home. According to recently released data from the Energy Information Agency, nationally, propane is the primary water heating fuel in 4.28 million housing units, which represents 3 percent of the overall market. Propane is the third most common water heating fuel after electricity and natural gas.

While the number of households using fuel oil or kerosene for water heating applications declined between 2015 and 2020, the number of households using propane grew over this same time period. Propane’s use as a water heating fuel, however, varies drastically between states and regions. In Vermont, 20 percent of households utilize propane for water heating, compared to only 1 percent in Florida.

For additional materials on the environmental and economic benefits of propane water heaters, visit the water heating page on PERC’s website. For more information, contact NPGA’s Director of State Affairs, Jacob Peterson.