NPGA Bobtail

Small LPG Systems Exemption Proposed

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has proposed to exempt small LPG systems from the Distribution Integrity Management Program (DIMP) in response to NPGA’s petition for rulemaking voicing support for this exception. A ‘‘small LPG operator’’ is currently defined as an operator of a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) distribution pipeline system that serves fewer than 100 customers from a single source. PHMSA noted that its existing approach requiring small LPG operators to comply with limited DIMP requirements offers little public safety benefit, and that even limited DIMP requirements can place a significant compliance burden on small LPG operators—which in turn can detract from other safety efforts. In lieu of DIMP requirements, the agency proposes extending annual reporting requirements to these operators to ensure that PHMSA will maintain the ability to identify and respond to systemic or emerging issues on those systems.

Questions? Contact NPGA Director of Regulatory Affairs and Associate General Counsel Kate Gaziano.