Industry News

Save-the-Date: Young Professionals Council First Meeting

Mark your calendar for NPGA’s Young Professionals Council (YPC) first member-wide meeting on Friday, May 30 from 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm EST. The purpose of this virtual meeting is to welcome members to the Council and provide a walk-through of the purpose and goals of the YPC. Guest speakers will include Alison Abbot with the World Liquid Gas Association (WLGA), as well as the current WLGA Youth Council Co-Chairs, Divya Mani from Indian Oil Corporation and Manikandan Muralidharan from Hindustan Petroleum. Save the date and stay tuned for more information about attending this first formal meeting of NPGA’s Young Professionals Council.

Questions? Please contact NPGA’s Manager of State Government Affairs, Austin Wicker.