Industry News

Register for District Breakout Meetings

Please join other NPGA marketers in the upcoming district breakout meetings, where members share and discuss legislative or regulatory challenges and/or opportunities confronting the industry in your state. This open forum allows others within the district to learn of issues in neighboring states and share ideas and potential solutions based on their experience.

District breakout sessions will take place via Zoom January 18 – 25, 2024, prior to the Marketers Section meeting in Monterey, CA on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. Please click the Zoom link for your district on the agenda here and download the calendar reminder.

At the upcoming Marketers Section meeting, we will have a panel discussion on propane forklifts and discuss state efforts to curtail propane’s forklift market share.

We hope you can join one of the virtual breakout sessions and attend the Marketers Section meeting in Monterey. If you have questions, please contact NPGA’s Senior Manager of State Association Relations, Eric Sears.