NPGA Bobtail

Propane Days and NPGA Annual Meeting

NPGA hosted Propane Days and its Annual Meeting and Summer Board of Directors Meeting June 2-4.  Here are just a few highlights from the jam-packed time in Washington, DC:

Propane Days

NPGA members and staff met with over 220 offices across the House and Senate.  The successful day concluded with a reception in the Rayburn House Office Building with Members of Congress and their staff in attendance.

The Texas delegation met with Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) 

Steve Kaminski with Rep. Mike Ezell (R-MS). 

Joe & Rosie Buschur and Josh Greene with Rep. Troy Balderson (R-OH). 

Marybeth & Denis Gagné, Gerry Misel, and John Jessup with Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA). 

 More highlights and photos from the week are featured in the State Director Report and at this link.

Annual Meeting and Summer Board of Directors Meeting

  • Jeff Stewart passed the gavel to Tom Van Buren, the new Chair of the Board of Directors. The new officers are pictured above from left to right: Trent Hampton, Treasurer; DD Alexander, Vice Chair; Tom Van Buren, Chair; Mike Hopsicker, Chair-Elect, and Jeff Stewart, Immediate Past Chair.
  • PropanePAC hosted a well-attended reception honoring its donors at President Lincoln’s Cottage where guests enjoyed a tour of the President’s historic summer home.
  • Scott Tranter, Director of Data Science at Decision Desk HQ, presented an engaging overview of the upcoming Presidential election and other key races using information from real-time race calls and polling data. Tranter offered potential scenarios of election results and then discussed the possible effects on the propane industry, citing which outcomes would be most favorable.
  • Stephanie Hennen of Lakes Gas welcomed Andrew Vogl of Ray Murray Inc. as the new PAC Steering Committee Chair for the upcoming year.
  • Several members received awards and citations:
    • Immediate Past Chair Jeff Stewart awarded Chair’s citations to two individuals who exemplify excellence in the propane industry: Dan Binning, Former Executive Director of the Colorado and New Mexico Propane Gas Associations, and Bruce Swiecicki, NPGA Vice President & Chief Technical Officer.
    • The Scholarship Committee honored Rosie Buschur of McMahan’s Bottle Gas with the 2024 NPGF Outstanding Service Award. This award is presented to a committee member in recognition of extraordinary service and dedication to the Scholarship Foundation and the children of our industry.
    • NPGA awarded the State Director of the Year Award to Zoe Williams of Hawaii.
    • Charmin Heimel of the Colorado Propane Marketing Company in Monument, Colorado and Rob Upton of Blue Flame Gas Inc. in Pueblo West, Colorado both received the Safety Award.

Photos by Choice Photography