NPGA Bobtail

President’s Message – LPG Week

This week, I am one of several Americans representing the United States at LPG Week, presented by the World LPG Association (WLPGA). The internal meetings and conference are being held in person for the first time in two years. Much important work was tackled during the internal membership meetings — with engagement on topics ranging from advocacy to business improvement to safety to innovation.

The conference itself was highlighted by speakers such as the Secretary General of the World Energy Council, the Deputy Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency, and the Director of Sustainable Energy for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (whose portfolio includes North America). Conference sessions included those on fuel blends and renewables, supply and demand, countering aggressive decarbonization legislation, power generation, and technology digitization.

The dialogue was sophisticated and forward thinking.  Gleaning lessons learned from other countries is invaluable, especially as NPGA develops its propane advocacy positions in the United States. For example, I learned that the French parliament recently adopted a law that bans advertising for all fossil fuel energy, including propane.  Understanding new avenues of attack in advance allows us to position our industry proactively rather than having to backpedal and defend.

Our industry is increasingly one that has international components—whether related to supply, newly developed equipment, or opportunities for growth or divestiture.  If your company does business internationally or is interested in connecting with overseas counterparts and you need introductions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me to facilitate.

Warmest regards,
Steve Kaminski

NPGA President and CEO