Industry News

Prepare Now: Tropical Storms and Hurricanes on the Radar

According to the National Hurricane Center, hurricane season peaks around September 10th.  This week alone the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) named 4 storms. Hilary in the Pacific Ocean, Harold in the Gulf of Mexico, and Franklin and Gert in the Caribbean Sea. NOAA encourages everyone to be better prepared for the worst situations, understand the risks of hurricanes, and begin preparations now.

Hurricanes and other severe weather systems can impact communities with heavy rain, flooding, and tornadoes. Don’t wait! Now is the time to prepare your customers, employees, and infrastructure for hurricane season and severe weather. PERC’s Propane and Weather Safety webpage has helpful information that you can give your customers so they better understand how to safely navigate extreme weather events. You can share preparedness and safety information through your company website and customer communications, such as e-mails, receipts, mailings, and social media outlets.

As always, we encourage our members to plan ahead with their suppliers in case of supply disruptions, infrastructure issues, and high-demand scenarios. For more information and resources on emergency preparedness and business continuity, visit Contact NPGA’s Eric Sears with questions at [email protected].