NPGA Bobtail

NPGA is Closely Monitoring Potential New Tariffs

There is a lot of buzz around potential new tariffs that could impact the propane sector.  NPGA is very closely monitoring potential actions related to liquid fuels such as propane from Canada and equipment and commodities from around the world.

NPGA has already taken numerous preliminary actions:

  • NPGA has developed a preliminary comprehensive strategy and has vetted it with NPGA’s Executive Committee.
  • NPGA has developed and disseminated multiple surveys to gather information and data to share with appropriate government officials.
  • NPGA has hired sophisticated trade counsel.
  • NPGA is closely coordinating with the Canadian Propane Association as well as numerous like- minded American associations on strategic alignment.
  • NPGA has started and will continue to educate key members of the Federal government, e.g., Congress, agency officials, and Presidential advisors on potential impact.