NPGA Bobtail

NPGA Advances Proposals at NCWM

This week, the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) held its Interim Meeting in Savannah, GA.  Two proposals that will impact propane dispenser operations were discussed. LPG-23.1 addresses the need to exempt analog/mechanical dispenser metering systems from having to retrofit an automatic zero-setback function.  LPG-23.2 would increase the time from 3 to 5 minutes of no flow before automatic shutdown of a truck-mounted delivery system would occur.  Both proposals advanced to a critical stage, setting up for approval by final vote at the July in Norfolk, VA. In addition, LPG-15.1 was included on the docket for approval at the July meeting. LPG-15.1 would achieve a longtime goal of NPGA allowing the use of a “master meter” to verify the accuracy of industry stationery and truck mounted meters, instead of the volumetric prover that is currently required. For more information, please contact , NPGA Chief Technical Officer, Bruce Swiecicki.