NPGA Bobtail

NIST Releases Report on Cylinder Survey

Bottom Line: The National Institute of Standards and Technology has released its final report, “2022 NCWM-NIST National Survey on 20 lb. LPG (Propane) Cylinders.”

This report is the culmination of an effort that began early this year to gather data on the tare weight of 20 lb. grill cylinders. NIST introduces the report as follows:  The results provided in this report are to assist and inform the states, propane industry, consumer and workplace protection organizations, and Federal agency stakeholders of the present needs and opportunities to establish improved procedures and oversight of the manufacturing, refilling, reselling and consumer-based transactions for LPG cylinders.

The report is now available for view and download here. The NIST Office of Weights and Measures encourages feedback on the report and comments can be sent to this email address: [email protected]. NPGA’s Technology, Standards & Safety Committee and Cylinder Exchange Council will be reviewing the report. For more information, contact Vice President and Chief Technical Officer, Bruce Swiecicki.