NPGA Bobtail

New Study on Gas Cooking & Asthma

A recently released peer reviewed study published in Global Epidemiology on April 18, 2023, by Li et al, entitled “Gas Cooking and Respiratory Outcomes in Children: A Systematic Review” has concluded that there is not sufficient evidence to demonstrate causal relationships between gas cooking and indoor NO2 and asthma and wheeze in children. The authors systemically reviewed 66 previous epidemiology studies and found that there was generally low study quality and high heterogeneity and highlighted the fact that previous studies have numerous quality flaws, making a meta-analysis inappropriate.

The propane industry proudly provides our customers with low-carbon, clean fuel that provides them with affordable, reliable energy. As an industry, we support evidence-based science in order to provide the public and lawmakers alike with objective facts when choosing which energy source is best for them. For additional information, please contact NPGA’s Manager of State Government Affairs, Austin Wicker.