NPGA Bobtail

DOE Withdraws Boiler Rule

On Friday, January 17th, the Department of Energy (DOE) withdrew its Proposed Rule: Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Boilers. DOE explained that in light of considerable feedback received, the change in administration and the resources necessary to review comments, it will not be finalizing the Proposed Rule. NPGA was highly active on this rulemaking, assembling a coalition to comment on the Proposed Rule, engaging the Department of Justice to review the rule, and engaging the Department of Commerce to review the anticompetitive effects of the rule. While this withdrawal has no effect on the recently published Final Rule on Gas-Fired Tankless Consumer Water Heaters, or the Final Rule on Furnaces, which the NPGA is fighting in court, this represents a significant victory against agency overreach that would have hurt American manufacturing and shipped American jobs overseas. For further information, please contact NPGA Vice President of Regulatory and Industry Affairs Benjamin Nussdorf.