NPGA Bobtail

December Heating Degree Days

A heating degree day (HDD) is a measure of how cold a location is. It’s derived by comparing the average outdoor temperature to a baseline of 65 degrees. More extreme cold temperatures result in a higher number of HDDs, which typically translate to an increased demand for space heating by energy consumers.

The below chart states the number of HDDs that have occurred in the month of December during the past 3 years, as well as the month’s 10-year average (2020-2011), broken down by Census Division.

Census Division Dec 2020 Dec 2019 Dec 2018 Dec 10-Year Average
New England 986 1061 1026 994.4
Middle Atlantic 945 972 929 913.2
East North Central 1035 975 1003 1027.4
West North Central 1096 1098 1103 1142
South Atlantic 555 449 488 432.3
East South Central 727 573 634 625.1
West South Central 480 418 472 459.8
Mountain 879 870 897 899.2
Pacific 541 576 564 579.9
United States 749 715 732 731.5


Additional HDD data can be found under the Supply and Logistics section on the Member Dashboard of NPGA’s website. For more information, please contact NPGA’s Jacob Peterson.