Industry News

Dec. 1: NPGA Award Nominations Due

Recognize outstanding colleagues for their accomplishments in the propane industry – nominations are now open for NPGA’s four prestigious awards! All award applications are available on the Member Dashboard of the NPGA website under Benefits & Services – NPGA Awards. Nominations are due to Brett Gold at [email protected] by December 1, 2024.

  • Distinguished Service Award is awarded to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to NPGA or the propane industry. 
  • State Director of the Year Award recognizes the NPGA State Director deemed outstanding in three principal areas: communicating with members in his/her state, working with NPGA committees, and attending both national and state meetings.
  • NPGA Safety Award is bestowed upon individuals, companies, or branches of larger firms that have made extraordinary contributions to industry safety through public or community education, hazardous materials training and support, or employee training.
  • Bill Hill Award is presented to an NPGA member who has made significant contributions to the propane industry in the area of public affairs at the national, state, or local level.