NPGA Bobtail

Comments: FTC Energy Labelling Rule

On Tuesday, January 31, 2023, the comment period will close on the Federal Trade Commission’s Energy Labeling Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.  NPGA will be commenting on the rule, with assistance and collaboration from the American Public Gas Association (APGA) and the American Gas Association (AGA).  The Proposed Rule seeks input in changes to EnergyGuide labels placed on certain appliances, and whether or not additional appliances should be subject to the EnergyGuide labels.

NPGA’s comments focus on how the current EnergyGuide labels are outdated, and provide for average cost to operate rather than narrowly-tailored costs.  As an example, the typical operating costs for room air conditioners in Washington state are $28 per year while in Florida they average $316 per year.  NPGA aims to correct these errors with a proposed updated label.

NPGA also advocates for the FTC using a Full Fuel Cycle analysis in determining emissions, as the current system only measures on-site emissions.  Consequently, consumers are not effectively informed about the full impact of their purchasing decisions.  NPGA’s comments are aimed at better enabling informed consumer fuel choice and awareness.

Questions? Contact NPGA Vice President, Regulatory and Industry Affairs Benjamin Nussdorf.