NPGA Bobtail

Checkout NPGA’s Registered Apprenticeship Program

In recognition of National Apprenticeship Week, as declared by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), be sure to check out NPGA’s Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP).  The program is a great opportunity to address your company’s workforce needs with statistics showing a 94% retention rate of apprentices remaining with their employer.  Both new hires and existing employees are eligible to enroll in the apprenticeship program.

There are four total NPGA apprenticeship programs registered with the DOL’s Office of Apprenticeship covering the jobs of: 1) Propane Service Technician, 2) Bobtail Vehicle Driver, 3) Transport Vehicle Driver, 4) Utility/Service Vehicle Driver.

NPGA’s RAP is not time-based, but competency-based, meaning the apprentice must learn and demonstrate that s/he fully understands and can properly perform the on-the-job tasks associated with the given program. Each program area contains a set of core competencies that must be completed with each competency having one or more educational lessons associated with it. All of the related instruction material is based on PERC’s existing education and training materials.

To learn more about NPGA’s Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP), please visit NPGA’s website at:  Here, you will find enrollment forms, program standards, and a Program Guide or Handbook. We also have a unique email address ([email protected]) that you can reach out to with questions or submit the necessary information once enrolled in the program.