Industry News

Arkansas Grows Autogas

Recently, the Federal Highway Administration completed its seventh round of designations under the Alternative Fuel Corridors Program, which seeks to build-out a national network of refueling infrastructure corridors for clean transportation fuels, including propane autogas, across the country.

A big winner for propane in Round 7 was Arkansas. The state, which previously had no designations, received Corridor-Ready designations for 12 highway segments, and Corridor-Pending designations for five more. Consistent with the Infrastructure, Investment and Jobs Act, these 17 corridors are now eligible for federal grant funding opportunities to deploy additional propane refueling equipment along these routes.

Steve Ahrens, Executive Director of the Arkansas Propane Gas Association, submitted these corridor nominations. “Arkansas is well-positioned to take advantage of additional gallons generated by propane autogas. We’re seeing growing interest in propane buses and delivery fleets, and the state’s highway system provides ample opportunities for sites convenient to new and future customers, and to the marketers who will serve them,” Ahrens said. “As a result, the Arkansas Propane Education and Research Council recently allocated funds to assist in installing dedicated autogas fueling infrastructure, and we’re working with our first applicant in North Little Rock today.”

Click on the map below to see the propane refueling corridors that have received federal designation under the Alternative Fuel Corridors Program. For more information, contact NPGA’s Director of State Affairs, Jacob Peterson.