NPGA Bobtail

Are Sprinklers in Cylinder Filling Rooms Required Under IFC Chapter 50?

Several NPGA members have recently been instructed to install sprinkler systems in new or upgraded filling rooms or in docks by local fire code officials under the International Fire Code (IFC), Chapter 50, Hazardous Materials – General Provisions.  However, the sprinklers may not be required, there is more to the provision than Table 5003.1.1. 

 The sprinkler installation request comes mainly from the building or fire code enforcement bodies misreading of the regulations. Enforcement officials evaluation of new or existing structures, constructed for the purposes of filling cylinders, may lead to a conclusion that the structures are considered to be a High-hazard Group, H-2 designated building.  In looking at the totality of the IFC including Chapter 61 Liquefied Petroleum Gases and the IFC’s recognition of NFPA 58 as the code of record where the IFC is silent, the regulatory misunderstanding can be addressed.  If you have questions about code enforcement, please contact Chris Wagner.