Industry News

Agriland Farm Supply Hosts Rep. Zachary Nunn

On January 8, 2024, Agriland Farm Supply (FS) hosted Rep. Zachary Nunn (IA-3) at their Winterset, IA, facility. The Congressman is a member of the House Committee on Agriculture. Chuck Spencer and Nathan Miller of Agriland FS discussed the propane supply chain and the importance of passing the Farm Bill, which contains many programs of note to the propane industry. They also discussed propane’s vital role in providing reliable heat for people, livestock, and grain drying. Agriland staff thanked the Congressman for supporting fuel choice legislation and acknowledging propane’s important role in our country.

Hosting a facility visit is a valuable opportunity to educate your elected officials about your company’s impact on the community – and NPGA is here to help. If your company is interested in hosting a site visit, please contact NPGA’s Manager of State Association Relations, Eric Sears.

Pictured above from left to right are Jase Meget, Propane Specialist, Agriland FS; Congressman Zach Nunn; Nathan Miller, Procurement and Supply Manager, Agriland FS; and Chuck Spencer, GROWMARK.