NPGA Bobtail

$1.5 Billion Available for Propane Buses and Fueling Infrastructure

The Federal Transit Authority (FTA) has announced the availability of nearly $1.5 billion to replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses, related equipment, or facilities with alternatives like propane autogas under the Buses and Bus Facility Program and the Low or No Emission Grant Program. States, local governmental authorities, Indian Tribes, and fixed-route bus operators and services are eligible applicants.  Grant funds can cover 80-90% of project costs, and grant funds are available to awarded projects for four fiscal years.

Last year, propane received nearly $44 million in grant funding through this program to purchase propane buses and install propane fueling infrastructure. The diverse recipients ranged from major cities to rural communities to tribal nations in Colorado, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Ohio.

Visit the Propane Buses tab on the member dashboard for more information on how to apply, links to register for an information webinar, and a template letter to send to eligible localities within your state.

Questions? Contact NPGA Director, Regulatory Affairs & Associate General Counsel Kate Gaziano.